Our blogs
Drafts Club, by Mr Dalton
Trip to Quarry Bank Mill, by Mr Dalton
Art - Exploring Lines, by Mrs Seaborn
National Festival of Fieldwork, by Mrs Seaborn
Aspirations Day, by Mr Dalton
Reach for the Stars - Careers Day, by Mrs Seaborn
Young Enterprise Project- Fiver Challenge, by Mrs Seaborn
Visit to the farm, by Mrs Walley
Maths Club, by Mr Dalton
School Council Meeting, by Mr Dalton
Y3 Trip to the Jewish Museum, by Mrs Seaborn
EYFS Easter Bonnet parade, by Mrs Walley
Make Your Mark Vote - School Council, by Mr Dalton
World Book Day Fun!!!, by Mrs Birnie
UNICEF UK Rights Respecting School, by Miss Ratcliffe
Gustav Klimt - Adele Bloch-Bauer, by Miss Curran
Mystery Reader - Little Allies, by Miss Curran
Robinwood, by Mr Dalton
Internet Safety Parent Workshop, by Mr Dalton
Year 2 Mental Health Week 2024, by Mrs Grayson
The Three Little Pigs MISSING!, by Mr Stewart
Mystery Reader - Moth - An Evolution Story, by Miss Curran
Wellbeing Yoga Workshop, by Miss Curran
Sandwell Well-Being Charter Mark, by Mrs Seaborn
Fun in the snow, by Mrs Walley