Reception C (Rabbit Class): Blog items
Visit to the farm, by Mrs Walley
EYFS Easter Bonnet parade, by Mrs Walley
The Three Little Pigs MISSING!, by Mr Stewart
Fun in the snow, by Mrs Walley
Making Chapattis, by Mr Stewart
Black History Month, by Mr Dalton
Autumn Walk, by Mrs Green
Library Visit-Reception, by Mrs Seaborn
Big Bedtime Read, by Mrs Seaborn
Breakfast with Santa!, by Mrs Birnie
Anti bullying week., by Mrs Walley
Autumn- Leaf Man, by Mrs Dale
Remembrance Day, by Mrs Dale
Comparing, counting and ordering numbers to 10, by Mrs Dale
Throwing Skills, by Mrs Dale
Measuring, by Mrs Dale
Diwali lanterns, by Mrs Dale
Reception songs -Autumn 1, by Mrs Walley
Visit from Nana Seaside, by Mrs Seaborn
Hello Friends, by Mrs Walley
Starting school, by Mrs Walley
Reception, by Mrs Seaborn
The Naughty Bus has arrived, by Mrs Walley
Tiger on the loose!, by Mrs Grayson
The ducklings have arrived!, by Mrs Grayson