Year 3D 2024 - 2025
Mrs Dennis
Welcome to Y3D your teacher is Mrs Dennis supported by Mrs Andre.
Our Curriculum in Y3
Take a look at what we will be learning about this year. Download the Powerpoint using the file at the bottom of this page.
Reading and Homework
Spellings are given out on a Monday ready for a test on Friday. One column should be completed each night with the final column completed in class on Friday morning. There will be 12 spellings each week - usually 9 linked to our spelling pattern and 3 jumping orange words.
Maths homework is set on MyMaths on Friday and is due on the following Thursday. If children cannot complete the homework online, they can use a paper copy.
Reading books are changed each week but must be brought to school every day. Children are expected to read at home for 20 minutes every day. Reading Diaries must be signed each day.
TT Rockstars should be used at least weekly to help the children with their learning of the times tables.
Our P.E. days are Wednesday and Thursday. Children need a P.E. kit in school - white t-shirt and navy blue shorts (navy leggings or joggers in winter) and suitable footwear for P.E.
Please make sure that earrings are removed for P.E.days or that the children have plasters to cover them if they are newly pierced.
Class Assembly
Our class assembly is on Friday 4th October at 2.45pm and parents and carers are welcome to attend.
Files to Download
Year 3D: Blog items
School Council 1.10.24, by Mr Dalton
Online Safety, by Mr Dalton
National Festival of Fieldwork, by Mrs Seaborn