School Offices: Junior: 0161 740 4696Infants: 0161 205 7131

HAPPY to be revising the 6x table

Date: 31st Jan 2019 @ 12:24pm

6 TIMES TABLE (In the style of Pharrell Williams)


5W have been revising our times tables, but this week we did it slightly differently...

We decided to put together a song in the style of Happy by Pharrell Williams to help us remember our times tables facts. We need a little bit more practice, but I am sure you will agree that this isn’t bad for 5 minutes practise each day!

Next week we will tackle a different times table with a different song.

Welcome to Mount Carmel RC Primary; a place where we proclaim Christ’s message of hope and celebrate the uniqueness of each child.

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Junior Dept: 0161 740 4696

Infant Dept: 0161 205 7131

Junior Building:

Mount Carmel RC Primary,
Wilson Road, Blackley, Manchester M9 8BG

Tel: Cheryl Holland: 0161 740 4696

Infant Building:

Mount Carmel RC Primary,
Hunt Street, Blackley, Manchester M9 8BL

Tel: Cheryl Clancy: 0161 205 7131